Orbea Wild Spares & Replacement Parts

The Orbea Wild is one of the most exciting bikes that we supply here at Westbrook Cycles - but as a full suspension, electric mountain bike, it’s also one of the most complex to service, run and own. This makes having access to a range of OEM Orbea Wild spare parts and components - even more valuable. That’s why at Westbrook Cycles, we have worked hard to source a range of Orbea Wild parts and spares, which we supply online.

As these parts are sourced directly from Orbea, they will not only fit your bike perfectly - but they will also allow your bike to function and perform as Orbea intended it to, when it left the factory. As these bikes are more complicated machines than many other bikes on the market, many customers take advantage of having access to OEM parts and use this as an opportunity to stock important parts that will wear out over time, allowing them to either pack extra redundancy for a long trip away from the bike, or become one step ahead with preventative maintenance. Other customers choose to use our parts finder for when the inevitable happens - that a part fails by either breaking on the bike in accidental damage, or when a part wears out over time.

To find the available parts for your model and year of Orbea Wild - find your model of bike above and click the icon, you will then be shown all available parts for your bike. If you are struggling find the exact part that you require - get in touch and we will be happy to advise on a suitable OEM or aftermarket part which will work with your bike.