Compliments And Complaints Policy

1. Our Aim

Westbrook Cycles is dedicated to providing exceptional service and operating transparently to build trust and respect. We strive to improve by listening and responding to feedback from our clients and stakeholders, and by rectifying our mistakes. We aim to ensure that:

  • Making a compliment or complaint is straightforward
  • We welcome compliments, feedback, and suggestions
  • We treat complaints as clear expressions of dissatisfaction that require immediate attention
  • We address complaints promptly, politely, and confidentially when appropriate
  • We respond appropriately, whether with an explanation, an apology, or information on actions taken
  • We learn from complaints, use them to enhance our service, and review our complaints policy annually

We recognize that many concerns can be resolved informally and quickly. Our aims are to:

  • Resolve informal concerns swiftly
  • Maintain a low-key approach
  • Enable mediation between the complainant and the individual involved

This policy ensures we welcome compliments and provides guidelines for handling complaints about our services, facilities, staff, and volunteers.

2. Definitions

  • A compliment is an expression of satisfaction with the standard of service we provide
  • A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, regardless of how it is communicated. This includes complaints made face-to-face, via phone, in writing, by email, or through any other method. All staff should be able to recognize an “expression of dissatisfaction” even if the words “complain” or “complaint” are not used

3. Compliments

We appreciate hearing from those satisfied with our services. All compliments are recorded, acknowledged, and a copy is sent to the relevant service manager for feedback to the member of staff.

4. Complaints

The formal complaints procedure ensures all complaints are handled fairly, consistently, and, where possible, resolved to the complainant's satisfaction.

5. Responsibilities

Westbrook Cycles' responsibilities are to:

  • Acknowledge formal complaints in writing
  • Respond within a reasonable period of time
  • Deal with complaints reasonably and sensitively
  • Take appropriate action when necessary

A complainant's responsibilities are to:

  • Bring their complaint in writing within eight weeks of the issue
  • Raise concerns promptly and directly with a staff member
  • Explain the problem clearly and fully, including any actions taken to date
  • Allow a reasonable time for the matter to be addressed
  • Recognise that some circumstances may be beyond our control

6. Confidentiality

Except in exceptional circumstances, we will ensure that both the complainant and Westbrook Cycles maintain confidentiality. If maintaining confidentiality is not possible, the situation will be explained to the complainant.

7. Complaints Procedure

Written records will be maintained at each stage of the procedure.

Stage 1

Staff members should initially assess the seriousness of the complaint. An informal approach is suitable if the issue can be resolved satisfactorily at this stage. If not, the formal complaints procedure should be followed.

Stage 2

If unresolved informally, a formal complaint may be made in writing. The following steps should be explained to the complainant:

  1. Formal complaints can be made in writing via email.
  2. The complaint must be passed to the responsible person. If the complaint concerns the responsible person, it should be passed to their superior.
  3. The responsible person or their superior must acknowledge the complaint in writing within one week of receipt.
  4. The complaint will be investigated, with conclusions discussed with the staff member involved and their Line Manager.
  5. The complainant will receive a response within four weeks. If this is not possible, an explanatory email must be sent.

Stage 3

If the complainant is unsatisfied with the decision, a director will examine the complaint, possibly conducting further interviews or examining files/notes, and will respond in writing within four weeks. Their decision will be final.

8. Complaints relating to your finance agreement

If you are dissatisfied with our response and your agreement is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge, but you must do so within six months of the date of the final response or 8 week holding letter. Further information and contact details can be found on