Redshift Sports
Redshift Sports make components aimed mainly at gravel bike, road bike and urban bike riders that improve comfort and safety when riding. The Redshift Shockstop range comprises of a stem and a seatpost which add an element of suspension to a bike. Firstly, the Redshift stem uses elastomers to provide up to 20mm of travel to take out the lumps and bumps of the UK's road network or the old railway lines. The elastomers come in five different densities, so it is tuneable to whatever terrain you are riding. The Redshift seatpost provides up to 35mm of suspension and features adjustable preload and swappable springs to dial in your ride to your liking. Although these components aren't quite going to make your gravel bike feel like a full suspension mountain bike, it certainly helps take some of the fatigue out of long days in the saddle. For people who ride an urban bike or commute to work, the Redshift Sports Arclight pedals are perfect for increasing your visibility to other road users, using innovative USB rechargeable bike lights that fit inside the pedal cage and provide both white front lights and red tail lights while pedalling. The clever part is, no matter which way around you stand on them, the lights will automatically adjust to make sure they're facing the correct way!