
Rear Spoke Kit - MT410b-Arc 30


Rear wheel spoke and nipple kit for wheels with RaceFace ARC 30 rim and Shimano MT410B hub.

  • 2x 289x2 black spokes
  • 2x 290x2 black spokes
  • 2x 14x2 black nipples

Compatibility Guide:

  • Rise Carbon OMR 29" 2021

Rear wheel spoke and nipple kit for wheels with RaceFace ARC 30 rim and Shimano MT410B hub.

  • 2x 289x2 black spokes
  • 2x 290x2 black spokes
  • 2x 14x2 black nipples

Compatibility Guide:

  • Rise Carbon OMR 29" 2021

Logo Line Break