
Scoop Steel Radius Saddle


Party Pace or Race Pace
If you enjoy going hard on the road, trails, or gravel, but you also enjoy taking in the scenery, Scoop strikes that balance. It’s dialed in for comfort, but ready for speed, too.


  • Rails: steel 7mm
  • Width: 142mm
  • Length: 282mm
  • Weight: 310g
  • Base: flexible polypropylene plastic / cover: microfiber
  • Profile: radius

Party Pace or Race Pace
If you enjoy going hard on the road, trails, or gravel, but you also enjoy taking in the scenery, Scoop strikes that balance. It’s dialed in for comfort, but ready for speed, too.


  • Rails: steel 7mm
  • Width: 142mm
  • Length: 282mm
  • Weight: 310g
  • Base: flexible polypropylene plastic / cover: microfiber
  • Profile: radius

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